I told my husband I was going to work on my e-newsletter today, but I didn’t know what I was going to write. What do I share when the news is so terrible and the suffering is so great? He surprised me when he said, “Write about love.”
My husband is not someone who would have suggested this topic even a few years ago. It’s not that he isn’t a loving person. He can be sentimental. He cries at movies, maybe just as often as I do. It’s just that love isn’t what he thinks about when he is problem solving or looking for solutions.
So, what is different now? He is retired. He has started to write poetry. And, times are desperate. What can you and I do? I think he’s right. We must live and act with love and compassion for ourselves and others. If we come from a place of love, we will have a way forward. We will be less cynical, paralyzed, and more able to respond and act from a grounded place.
On a practical level, I am limiting how much news I read at any one time. I can only take in so much before I get depressed and angry. I don’t want to live in that state because it doesn’t do me or anyone else any good. I am trying to find my balance between being informed and not overwhelmed.
It's not just the news; it is also the fact that so many of my friends, family, and acquaintances are going through tough times. I want to be able to share my love and compassion with them and also with those in my community who are scared and hurting. To do this I will take care of my health, build my physical and mental strength, and seek out ways to notice the beauty in each moment. It sounds corny, but what else can we do?
I welcome your suggestions for staying calm, alert, active, useful, and loving.