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  • Writer's pictureSue Schleifer

My Favorite Things

I am posting my February blog a bit early because I want to alert you to a couple of events that begin soon. As February is the month of love and deep winter for my friends who live in colder climates, I thought I’d share a few of my current favorite things. These may provide you with ideas for experiencing love, warmth, and gratitude.

Year-long Practice – It’s not too late to start this easy and wonderful practice. You’ll need a jar or basket, and pieces of paper. Each week (my husband and I have chosen Sunday mornings) write down on a piece of paper one good thing that happened, or one thing that you did that you enjoyed or felt good about, or something you feel grateful for from the week. Date the paper and then fold it and put it in the jar. Then, on New Year’s Eve or Day, empty the jar and reflect on your amazing year.

Real Happiness Meditation Challenge – This is a 28-Day meditation exploration during the month of February with Sharon Salzberg. I am looking forward to participating in it. Want to join in?

Puttanesca Sauce – My friend Karen told me she was making this delicious pasta sauce. I told Mark about it, and he made it for dinner. It was delicious! I can’t wait to make it again soon. Lots of recipes on the ole internet.

The Dalai Lama’s Guide to Happiness from Ten Percent Happier – I learned about this program from listening to Sharon Salzberg’s January 18 “Metta Hour Podcast” where they shared the first installment of a five-part audio documentary series. Host Dan Harris goes to Dharmsala, India and spends two weeks with His Holiness the Dali Lama. I’m looking forward to listening to all five of the podcasts in the series.

Abstract: The Art of Design – I love this documentary series on Netflix! Each segment focuses on one person who is doing amazing work in a field of design. There are 14 episodes over two seasons. I haven’t watched them all but have enjoyed so many already, especially: Illustration, Stage Design, Graphic Design, Photography, Bio-Architecture. I love watching creative people in the act of creating.

I hope that you find something inspirational in these ideas and that they contribute to a sense of joy and gratitude in your life that you will spread to others.


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