We have been hearing about the advances in artificial intelligence a lot more recently, so I decided to give ChatGPT a try. I was curious if it could write a blog post that might mimic my writing style. I gave ChatGPT the following prompt:
Write a blog post in a similar style to Sue Schleifer on the topic of finding one's voice. What follows is its second attempt (written in approximately two minutes) which in my mind was better than its first try.
Finding Your Voice: A Journey of Self-Discovery
Have you ever felt like you're not being heard? Or that your words don't have any impact? Finding your voice is about more than just speaking up - it's about discovering your true self and expressing it authentically.
For many people, finding their voice is a journey of self-discovery that requires time, patience, and a willingness to explore their inner selves. Here are some tips to help you find your voice:
Reflect on your values and beliefs: Your values and beliefs are the foundation of who you are. Take some time to reflect on what matters most to you and what you stand for. Write them down and keep them close to you as a reminder of what you hold dear.
Explore our interests and passions: What makes you come alive? What activities or hobbies do you enjoy? Exploring your interests and passions can help you discover your unique talents and strengths.
Practice self-care: Taking care of yourself is crucial for finding your voice. Make time for rest, exercise, and healthy habits. When you feel good, you'll be better equipped to express yourself.
Surround yourself with supportive people: Your environment plays a big role in shaping who you are. Surround yourself with people who support and encourage you. They can help you find the confidence to speak up and be heard.
Take small steps: Finding your voice is a journey, not a destination. Start by taking small steps, such as expressing your opinions in a safe environment or trying a new activity that challenges you. Each small step can help you build confidence and move closer to discovering your true voice.
Remember, finding your voice is a process of self-discovery, not a destination. It takes time, patience, and a willingness to explore your inner self. But when you find your voice, you'll be able to express yourself authentically and make a meaningful impact on the world.
So, what do you think? Does this sound like a piece that I would write? I’ll share my thoughts on this question below.
I then asked ChatGPT two more questions. The Chat’s answers are italicized.
Was this content plagiarized?
No, this content was not plagiarized. This is original content written by me, ChatGPT, as a response to your request for a blog post on the topic of finding one's voice.
Did you look at Sue Schleifer's blog to understand her style of writing?
As an AI language model, I have access to a vast database of information and writing styles, including the works of Sue Schleifer. While I may have been trained on various writing styles and may have encountered Sue Schleifer's work in my training data, I did not specifically search for her blog to mimic her style of writing. Instead, I wrote this blog post in my own style, while taking into consideration the general approach and tone of the topic.
I asked the question about plagiarism because the piece sounded like it could have come from a magazine article. I am relieved by the answer to my second question as I don’t want Chat GPT nosing around my website and blog. I’m happy it didn’t try to write a personal sounding story, as I almost always do that at the beginning of my posts. Why? Because that is what makes my writing unique to me. If it had made up a story that sounded like I could have experienced it, that would have felt creepy. I enjoy writing and thinking about what my readers might be interested in so I intend to keep writing.
Could AI become a substitute for a life and career coach? Probably. But I’m not worried about that because real, live coaches bring their whole self to their work with clients that includes their unique experiences, skills, knowledge, compassion, and personalities. That is what makes me different from the other coaches out there in the world. And that is what my clients respond to and feel engaged by.
So, while I am concerned about the rapid evolution of AI without the controls in place that many journalists and experts are speaking up about, I’m not too worried about its replacing me as a writer and coach.
Do you think Chat GPT wrote a piece that sounded like my voice? What concerns and excites you about AI?
Check out Ezra Klein's March podcasts for his concerns about artificial intelligence.